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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Will Ferrell isn't as cool as Steve Carell

from The Daily Bruin:

For now, let’s just say it’s strange. For more than six seasons, “The Office” has been at times hilarious, wonderful, misguided and boring, but Carell was the constant. He wreaked havoc until you wanted to punch him but showed just enough heart that you held back and laughed instead.
Now we’ll have to divide “The Office” into two eras, like Van Halen or “American Idol,” and it’s hard to imagine the post-Carell show measuring up.
Two episodes in, Ferrell has been decidedly unfunny. Part of that may be the actor’s nervousness at filling such big shoes, but it also seems the writers are hedging their bets. Last week’s episode actually revolved around Vickers’ inability to tell a joke, a worrisome sign if the character is going to stick around much longer.
At this point, though, it’s hard to imagine something that wouldn’t be worrisome – this being television, a resistance to change is unavoidable.

Let's ignore the fact that both of the actors are regional stand-ins for Ricky Gervais.  What's he up to, besides ruining award shows?  Let's go get him instead.